A collection of websites I think are worth visiting and internet readings I don't wanna lose track of. (hover on links)
Neat Nonsense
If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel | Patatap (photosensitivity warning?) | Pointer Pointer | Endless Horse | Invisible Cow | skribbl.ioInternet Games
I'm not actively playing any of these, but I have enjoyed them in the past
Neopets | LiodenCool Tools
Firefox | Photopea | Monkeytype | iFixit | Glaze & NightshadeBe Gay Do Crimes
Librarians and pirates are one and the same.
12ft Ladder | 3DS Hacks Guide | Vimm's Lair | Internet ArchiveGame Stuff
Serenes Forest | Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance | Retro Redrawn

GameFAQs & such
Minecraft Enchant Tool | Tales of Symphonia Affection Guide | Fire Emblem PoR 100% Support GuidePokémon
Bulbapedia | Serebii | veekun | Repeating Images | Mystery Dungeon Password Generators

donjon - 5e Quick Reference | AnyDice | 5e Art Archive | Forgotten Realms Interactive MapsStuff to Read
ASPCA Toxic Plants List | Vice VersaCooking
I don't cook, really. Saving these for when I do, I guess.
Good and Cheap | The Sad Bastard CookbookSCP
SCP-5031Other Cool Sites